Self Care is Real Healthcare
Self-care is not a reward. It is a critical component to living a balanced and happy life. Why does it seem easier to take care of...

Letting Joy and Happiness In
For much of my life I believed that someone was either happy or they weren't mainly based on external factors. I'm happy if I love my...

Love and Vulnerability
(This blog is about romantic love, the love relationships we choose to have with another person, and not the love between family of...

Are your thoughts really your own?
Have you ever thought you believed in something, only to discover later that you really don't know how you feel about it, or possibly...
Stop Interrupting.
Fritz Perls is the founder of Gestalt Therapy and wrote about it in the 1950's. I was first exposed to this theory in graduate school. ...
Who's to blame in my relationship?
In couple's therapy, and even in individual therapy if someone has a significant other, a common question that arises is, "Whose fault is...
The Meaning of My Quote
I spent a lot of time thinking about what quote I would put on my website. I wanted something that represented who I am and where I am...